In a bizarre incident, people of Thottada in Kannur district, Kerala witnessed a blast in which a youth aged 26 was left on the road with his head shattered. The incident happened just 10 kilometres from Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan’s hometown.
The deceased was identified as Echoor native Jishnu (26). Hemanth and Aravind, who were injured in the blast, were admitted to a hospital.
The attack happened at around 2 pm near the house of a groom at Thottada. A fight had broken out here on Saturday during the music programme on Saturday evening. However, family members and natives solved the issue.
Marriage was on Sunday morning at the bride’s house. The blast happened while the marriage party was returning to the groom’s house. Jishnu’s skull was shattered in the blast. Another bomb has been recovered from the scene.
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