As per the latest study, over 92 per cent of COVID-19 patients who attended yoga classes while in home isolation...
Read moreDetails Nowadays, almost everyone talks about yoga. Thanks to the initiatives by the government, Yoga has become very popular throughout...
Read moreDetailsWhen you function in love, Your inside creates your outside. When you function in fear, Your outside creates...
Read moreDetailsOn the occasion of International Day of Yoga, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia signed an agreement with the Indian Yoga...
Read moreDetailsAs an animal welfare activist since 2012 (and Hon. Animal Welfare Officer with the Animal Welfare Board of India for five years...
Read moreDetailsTo re- energise the youth during these hard days of COVID-19 pandemic and to introduce a purposeful and spiritual way...
Read moreDetailsMany people successfully fight depression with yoga and scientific evidence suggests it works. Yoga postures helps counteract anxiety driven depression...
Read moreDetails International Day of Yoga is observed on 21st June every year to spread awareness about the importance and effects of yoga on the health...
Read moreDetailsPrime Minister Narendra Modi is addressing the nation online to mark the International Yoga Day, which is being celebrated this...
Read moreDetailsMany bollywood celebrities have pledged their support for the 6th International Day of Yoga (IDY) 2020 which will be celebrated...
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