In an event held at Thiruvananthapuram Press Club, Kerala University Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. P. P. Ajayakumar released Dr. Janatha Ramanathan’s debut volume of poetry ‘A Bundle of Joy’. The book was received by Former Principal, Mahatma Gandhi College, Thiruvananthapuram, Dr. R. Hema Nair.
“Writing demands a lot of skill, time, ability referring to language skills, while poetry is the most sophisticated mode of expressing thoughts, in which Dr. Janatha has been found successful,” said Prof. Ajayakumar. He wished the author best wishes to reach out to people across the world with her creative works.
The book published by Indus Scrolls is the debut volume of poetry by renowned academician and writer Dr. Janatha Ramanathan who is also an Assistant Professor of English, Sree Ayyappa College for Women, Chunkankadai, Tamilnadu. The book features poems that are inspirational in nature and also that advocates women’s empowerment.
Speaking during the event, Dr. R. Hema Nair said that the book is not only a bundle of poems that give joy but also about a mother who speaks of her babies who are a bundle of joy. “Motherhood, pain, pleasure, love nature, hope, nostalgia, memories and friendship run through all the poems that are rather an oasis of memories.”, she added.
Dr. Janatha has presented more than 100 papers at various national and international seminars and conferences in India and abroad and has published 75 research articles in prestigious journals and books. She has completed a UGC minor project on South African Literature and is presently serving as a member, Editorial Board of Panorama Literaria, & The Research Scholar, IAFOR Journal of Literature & Librarianship, Taiwan and Review Editor of the New Directions in the Humanities Journal, USA.
She is also the founder, Chief Editor of The Daffodils – An International Journal of Literature, Language and Criticism and an edited anthology Perspectives on New Literatures: Postcolonial Responses. Her areas of interest include Indian Literature, African American Literature, Subaltern Literature, Film and Media Arts, and Queer Theory.
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