The police have seized the electronic equipment used by Sanal, an IT expert from Konthuruthy, arrested in the case of capturing the private visuals of a woman with the pen camera installed in the bathroom. Two laptops, two mobiles and some memory cards were taken into custody.
The memory card was checked but was blank. It has been sent for forensic examination. Sanal was taken into custody yesterday by the South Police. He will be brought to the spot today to collect evidence. He has confessed to the crime during interrogation.
Sanal hid the pen camera in the toilet adjacent to the bedroom of the house where he came for a friendly visit with his wife. Sanal who left the house returned after a while. In the meantime, the woman saw a suspicious pen in the bathroom.
Sanal tried to get the pen back saying it was his and that he had accidentally left it in the toilet. When she noticed a blue light on the pen and examined it without returning it, the hidden camera and the memory card were seen. When the memory card was checked, the visuals of Sanal hiding the camera and the private visuals of the girl were found captured. Following that, a complaint was filed with the police.
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