Following the verdict of High Court, the Karnataka government is now planning to start regular classes from Monday onwards. However, it seems like the situation in the state is grim where people expect a riot any time in the coming days when the entire state is divided on the Hijab row.
As preparation to face any calamity, the Karnataka police today held a route march at Kapu town limits in Udupi. Police personnel marched on major streets on the orders of higher officials to raise awareness among the public in preparation for the reopening of schools and colleges on Monday, February 14.
Schools and colleges have been shut in the state following the eruption of violence in several parts during the hijab versus saffron shawl protests. The Karnataka High court had issued a verbal direction restricting students from attending classes wearing religious attire until further orders.
The route march was conducted as an awareness campaign and also as a warning and a show of strength to miscreants who might try to create a hostile situation when colleges and schools reopen.
Police officers from Kaup, Padubidri, and Shirva police stations participated in the march under the leadership of Kaup Circle Inspector Prakash.
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