In a shocking incident, a Muslim mob in Karnataka attacked a person and stabbed him for allegedly uploading a post against hijab on his WhatsApp status. The incident has occurred in Malebennur town of Davangere district on Wednesday.
As per report, Dileep Malagimane, who runs a store near Gigali circle in Malebennur town, was attacked by a mob of 300 persons from the Muslim community. The angry mob dragged him out of the store and brutally attacked him over a post he had uploaded on WhatsApp wherein supported the ban on hijab.
The enraged mob assaulted the police officials, who had rushed to the spot to rescue the victim. The police
A few policemen, who rushed to Dileep’s rescue, were also manhandled. The police have now registered cases against the mob and have arrested a few of them. The police have issued prohibitory orders in Harihar taluk, including Malebennur, till midnight on Friday.
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