As the Karnataka High Court is about to consider the Hijab issue tomorrow, all eyes are in Karnataka when the court would pronounce a verdict that will have long term repercussions across the country. Ahead of the Karnataka High Court hearing on a petition over the ‘hijab’ row, Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Monday appealed to everyone to maintain peace and said his government will take steps after the court’s order.
The CM also asked educational institutions to follow mandatory uniform rules issued by the government until the court’s order comes out. Speaking to reporters after landing in the national capital, Bommai said, ”The matter is before the high court and it will be decided there. Therefore, I appeal to everyone to maintain peace and no one should take steps to disturb the peace.”
”All should follow the state’s order (on uniform) and tomorrow the court’s decision will come and, therefore, we will take steps,” he added. The Karnataka High Court will on Tuesday hear the petitions filed by five girls studying in a Government Pre-University College in Udupi, questioning the restriction on wearing hijab in college.
Meanwhile, the protests seeking the ‘right of wearing Hijab’ has spread across the nation where a number of Islamic extremist outfits have taken up the issue. A verdict on the same by the court of law alone would bring an end to the ongoing protests, say experts.
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