A seven-year-old boy of Malappuram’s Puthanathani died here on Friday with suspected symptoms of Shigella. The boy was admitted to a private hospital in Kozhikode with symptoms including diarrhoea. The lab results are awaited for confirming the infection.
As the health department urged caution, Rapid Response Team has intensified precautionary measures.
Shigella is one of the leading bacterial causes of diarrhoea worldwide and is an intestinal infection caused by a family of bacteria.
According to experts, Shigella usually spreads through food and water, which are contaminated to some extent by human excreta. The disease is treatable and is manageable by antibiotics.
Proper sanitisation methods should be followed. It is not deadly but requires public awareness and one must take due precautions of clean food and water along with proper waste management.
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