A mentally challenged girl was brutally raped in front of her paralysed mother in Kerala’s Malappuram. Though the accused was arrested by the police, witnesses are counting their days worrying about the day ‘Muttalan’ Shihab, who is an accused in a number of criminal cases, would return for revenge, said reports.
According to police report, the accused broke into the house at 2 pm. The terrified girl, though tried to raise her voice, Shihab covered his mouth and nose. Though she managed to escape from his iron hands, the man followed her and brutally raped her. He had also threatened to kill her if she disclose what happened to others.
This daughter is the only recourse of the mother who is suffering from serious health problems. The mentally and physically challenged daughter, who was caring for her mother, who could not even get out of bed for her basic activities, was brutally raped by the accused when she arrived at midnight last night.
Despite knowing that her daughter was being abused nearby, the terrified mother could only cry helplessly. Shihab is accused in several cases. The family and neighbours are spending every moment anxiously awaiting the criminal returning to take revenge.
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