A Kerala woman has been arrested for trying to paralyze her husband by mixing psychopaths’ drugs in his food. As per reports, the police investigation team is in search of the mastermind though the woman says that she got the idea from YouTube.
She will be taken into custody for further investigation and evidence collection, said the investigating officers. The police are specifically trying to find out whether the woman had tried to harm her husband for some other gains or not. Asha’s statement, that she had often given similar medicines to her father, is also being investigated. Her parents are currently abroad. They will be summoned here for detailed inquiries.
Three years ago, Asha had lodged a police complaint against her husband citing domestic violence. The case was settled with the intervention of some local representatives. Her husband was also fed with Asha’s medicine for epilepsy.
The medicines were bought every month from two stores including a Neethi medical store in Pala. The police will collect the bills and further details of the purchases. Asha’s brother, an official in a private bank, was summoned and questioned on Saturday.
Further investigations are on.
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