Kerala High Court strongly criticized the incident where a CPM district leader beat up a private bus owner near Thiruvarppu village in Kottayam district. It is serious that bus owner Rajmohan was beaten up despite the court order. The High Court also stated that though Rajmohan bore the brunt of the beating, the court felt the sting of the beating on its face. Is an authoritarian regime taking Kerala down the West Bengal road where law and order are in shambles?
The criticism of the court was while considering the contempt petition related to the incident. The court had earlier directed the Kottayam Superintendent of Police (SP) and Kumarakom Police Station House Officer to appear in person on the petition. The criticism of the court was in their presence. Like West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee retaining the Home Ministry of her lawless state, Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan handles the home portfolio in Kerala.
The High Court had ordered to provide protection to the bus owner when he faced threats from trade unions aligned with CPM. How the bus owner was assaulted despite the court order, the court asked. Did local police investigate this? Has there been any inspection by the court in this regard? The court also asked.
Although the bus owner was physically assaulted, the court was hit in the face. This cannot be accepted in any way. As long as the court order remains and the police are watching, the common man will lose faith in the justice system when such crimes occur. The policy adopted by the police was to wait until the beating and then intervene. Wasn’t it a ploy by the police?
Are trade unions using violent techniques to subdue entrepreneurs? These unions resort to extremism when they lose against the Labor Office and others. It was in this situation, the court ordered protection. Therefore, the court pointed out that this is a serious incident. The court has directed the police to appear once again with detailed documents in this regard. The court will consider the petition again on the 18th of this month.
Though there are visuals of the physical assault, CPM leader K R Ajay indulging in violence, the accused claimed that he did not assault Rajmohan. Local police took Ajay into custody. There are allegations that Kerala courts and authorities are lenient on such leftist trade unions and this is encouraging them to indulge in atrocities.
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