A Chennai-based activist, known as ‘RTI’ Selvam, has recently lodged a complaint with the Commissioner of Police, accusing popular actor Thalapathy Vijay of promoting drug addiction in the Tamil movie ‘Leo,’ specifically in the song ‘Naa Ready.’ The petitioner is urging authorities to take action against Vijay under the Narcotics Control Act, claiming that the song glorifies drug abuse.
According to RTI Selvam, the widely-shared song ‘Naa Ready’ from Vijay’s film ‘Leo’ is allegedly encouraging drug addiction among the youth and promoting rowdy behavior. The activist points out that Vijay is seen dancing with a cigarette in his hand during the song.
‘Leo’ is a highly anticipated thriller film written and directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. The movie features Vijay, Sanjay Dutt, and Trisha in prominent roles. Fans and audiences have been eagerly awaiting the theatrical release of ‘Leo,’ which is scheduled for October 19, 2023.
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