Kerala Police recently arrested Kasim (65), a native of Haripad in Alapuzha, for molesting a 12-year-old girl. The accused runs a bakery near Karuvatta NSS Higher Secondary School. The incident that led to the case happened a few days ago.
The child’s mother works as a maid. As she has to leave early for work, the child’s mother used to leave the child at Kasim’s shop. Kasim used to drop the child at the school. Taking advantage of the situation, Kasim allegedly used to sexually abuse the child, according to the complaint filed by the girl’s mother.
The sexual abuse came to light when the child was taken to a doctor for medical examination. Following the complaint of the hospital authorities, the police registered a case and started an investigation. Later the police arrested the accused.
The ancient Mannarasala Sree Nagaraja Kshetram is a 10 minutes drive from Karuvatta Railway station. There has been a massive Islamist influx in places like Haripad in recent decades which has led to demographic changes. Crimes and atrocities against certain communities have also increased.
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