BJP National Vice President AP Abdullakkutty said that Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan should not forget the historical truth that Comrade EMS Namboodiripad was the brand ambassador of the Unified Civil Code (UCC). Abdullah the child. Abdullahkutty said that Pinarayi Vijayan is opposing the UCC in order to get the votes of conservative Muslims to make his son-in-law Minister Mohd. Riaz the Chief Minister of Kerala. Abdullahkutty’s response is in a Facebook post. Pinarayi Vijayan knows that it is futile to quote EMS as there is no bridge between theory and practice. Abdullahkutty mocks.
A look at the old party documents of CPI and CPM shows that they were in favor of the Uniform Civil Code. But Abdullahkutty said that it is surprising that both parties are opposing the Single Civil Code. It is widely regarded that Muslim appeasement is leading the green communists to oppose the UCC.
The Uttarakhand government had appointed an expert committee to study the Uniform Civil Code. Its chief was retired judge Ranjana Prakash Desai. They have submitted a draft report before the country.
Instructions about marriage, property rights, adoption, etc are not new. These instructions are the same rules that are practiced in practical life by people belonging to all religious and caste groups in our home and country. Then why do some people make propaganda that stirs up religious sentiments?
Here are some examples culled from social life. Marriage … Citizens around us now follow the single civil law. For example, even if the Nikah (Muslim marriage) happens in a mosque or in a temple, or a church, the next day the couple goes to the panchayat, municipality, or corporation office to officially register their marriage. It seems to me that Muslim couples are the first to go and register noted Abdullahkutty. Isn’t the marriage registration document mandatory today to go to the Gulf, get a visa, etc.?
Another thing is the right to property, even in the Muslim community. Property is divided equally among children and not according to religious rules. It is generally seen that girls are given more property than sons. Parents are often forced to do this in order to get a good bride in the marriage market.
Can you show me at least one Muslim leader in Kerala who has distributed his property to his children (two shares for males, one share for females) as prescribed by religion? Can any Indian Union Muslim League leader (IUML) who opposes UCC publish the document giving property to his daughters under Sharia? Adoption, divorce, and polygamy seem to be hotly debated topics.
In modern times, no male-dominated interpretation of divorce dictated by religion can take place any more. Let us also remember that triple talaq was banned by 20 Islamic countries in the world before us. Another issue is that the UCC prohibits polygamy. Shouldn’t it be banned? Do you have the courage to say that you should keep polygamy in front of your children? If you favor polygamy your sons of the leaders will evict you out of the home, reminded Abdullahkutty.
In many developed countries of the world, they have a single civil code. Educated Muslims living there do not face any problems in their life or religion. Moreover, common criminal law prevails here. All religions follow the common Indian criminal law. In civil law itself, we follow more than 95 percent of the same practice. Only some issues like marriage and property rights should be consolidated. That is what I have said above in the light of practical life experience. Therefore, the single civil code is said to mean that the country is ripe to justify our constitution in the way our forefathers wanted through a debate. Then why all the commotion here!?
It is surprising that CPI and CPM oppose UCC! Because if you check all their old party documents, you can understand that they were in favor of a single civil code. Pinarayi Vijayan should not forget the historical fact that Comrade EMS was the only brand ambassador of the Civil Code. Vijayan opposes the UCC with a single purpose.
To make his son-in-law Riaz the Chief Minister of Kerala, Vijayan must get the votes of the orthodox Muslims here. He has only that one evil intention. Like the Aam Aadmi Party, a faction of the CPM like the Bal Thackeray faction of the Shiv Sena favoring the UCC is not far away in the party against Pinarayi’s appeasement politics. It is hoped that the up-and-coming members of the Muslim community will come forward by adopting a position that suits this modern age.
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