Gujarat OBC leader Alpesh Thakor, who quit as a Congress lawmaker after casting his vote in favour of BJP candidates in the July 5 Rajya Sabha elections, will join the Saffron party on Thursday. Another rebel legislator Dhavalsinh Jhala from the same community will also follow the suit.
The Gujarat Kshatriya Thakor Sena (GKTS), of which Thakor is the president, and Jhala a member has made this announcement.
In a statement to the Press, Jagatsinh Thakor, the vice president of GKTS said, “Both former Congress legislators, Alpesh Thakor and Dhavalsinh Zala will join the BJP at the party’s Shri Kamalam headquarters at 4 pm on Thursday.”
Both the legislators had resigned from the Congress on April 10 ahead of the Lok Sabha elections claiming that they had been “insulted” and “deceived” by the party leaders, but they had not quit as MLAs.
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