Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday (June 17) said the sacrifice of Indian soldiers killed in the Galwan Valley clash in Ladakh will not go in vain.
Meanwhile, the government has given powers to the armed forces to make emergency procurements to stock up its armoury in the wake of escalating conflict with China. Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat has been asked to coordinate with the three services on prioritising the requirements, where necessary.
Addressing a virtual conference with chief ministers on coronavirus, he added that India wants peace but is capable of giving a befitting reply, if instigated. For us, the unity and sovereignty of the country is most important, he said.
Later, the Prime Minister and those attending the meeting observed silence of a few minutes as a mark of respect for the slain soldiers. Twenty Indian soldiers including a colonel, attained virgati on Monday evening in a violent standoff with the Chinese in Ladakh’s Galwan Valley.
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