Manziya, a resident of Velluvambram in Malappuram district, whose family was ostracised by the Mahal Committee, which looks after the affairs of the local mosque and the Muslim community, for performing traditional artforms such as Mohiniyattam, Bharatanatyam and other temple arts, has married a Hindu musician Shyam Kalyan. The marriage was conducted with the blessings of both the families.
Manziya, an exceptionally talented artist, was the centre attack of the Islamists who did not even allow her mother’s body to be buried in the local mosque. Her mother had died of cancer. The Islamists were angry that she was performing traditional Hindu artforms. Islamists also tried to tarnish the image of the girl and her family by spreading rumours about them. According to Manzia’s family, Islamists continue to issue threats to the family members.
Not to be cowed down by the threats to her life and family, Manzia opened a dance school in the same locality where she trains children Bharatanatyam, Mohiniyattam and Kuchippudi. She had won several awards and prizes for her performances.
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