Director Baiju Kottarakkara has revealed that the son of a prominent political leader has demanded Rs 10 crore from actor Dileep saying that he can get bail in the actress assault case. The revelation was made in a channel discussion. He says that the person asked for money from Dileep’s close friend, a director.
He called on the phone and demanded money. The phone was taken from the director to retrieve the details and was later given for cyber inspection. The phone was given to a person named Salish from an IT company in Kochi. According to Baiju Kottarakkara, Salish was later killed in an accident in Aluva.
Meanwhile, actor Dileep’s anticipatory bail plea hearing in the conspiracy case to assassinate the investigating officers in the actress assault case has been postponed to Wednesday. The High Court said that no arrest should be made till then. The anticipatory bail hearing was changed as per the prosecution’s request .
The bail plea hearing of Dileep’s brother Anoop, brother-in-law TN Sooraj, cousin Appu and friend Baiju Chengamanadu have also been postponed. The crime branch registered a case against them based on the statement of director Balachandra Kumar.
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