So much obsessed was Nehru with Marxist socialism that ‘superstitious and poor’ Bharata could be redeemed into India only through the doctrine that he loved and he expressed it in so many words at Lucknow session of Congress held in 1936, “I am convinced that the only key to the solution of the world’s problems and of India’s problems lies in socialism, and when I use this word I do so not in a vague humanitarian way but in the scientific, economic sense… I see no way of ending the poverty, the vast unemployment, the degradation and the subjection of the Indian people except through socialism…In short, it means a new civilisation, radically different from the present capitalist order… If the future is full of hope it is largely because of Soviet Russia and what it has done, and I am convinced that, if some world catastrophe does not intervene, this new civilisation will spread to other lands and put an end to the wars and conflicts which capitalism feeds…”
In spite of several accounts of Soviet penury and wretchedness oozing out into media, our Mughalia hero that Nehru was, did not budge even a micron from his declared convictions and continued defending as well as imposing a decrepit ideology on the nation craving for rejuvenation and resurgence. He shared the philosophy with his protégé VK Krshna Menon and the ‘Guru’ was Harold Laski, a hard-core communist of British Labour Party and persistent defender of Soviet crimes against humanity. He genuinely ‘discovered’ himself orphaned when the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin died in 1953, paid handsome tributes in Parliament notwithstanding Nikita Khruscheva had castigated him for his brutal regime in 20th Congress of the Soviet Politbureau. The last Mughal had intentionally not heard about more than a million Soviet children wandering all over the country as vagabonds as they had been orphaned by the brute that Stalin was and later killed to avoid ‘unnecessary’ disrepute. Nehru had no courage or gumption to condemn Stalin-Hitler Pact of 1939, invasion of Finland and Poland by his Red Army and acquisition of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Only a mentally deranged leader would adore and adulate such a brutal regime that had not uttered a word in support of long drawn torturous War Of Freedom of Bharata.
It is interesting to observe that Soviet weekly Peoples War never wrote even a single word against Nehru and Maulana Azad while wildly derogated MK Gandhi, Netaji Bose and others with grotesque caricatures. Even dons of Communist Party Of India declared them agents of German-Japanese imperialism and acted as moles for the British regime against them. Worst moment arrived when first Ambassador Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was denied appointment by Stalin till the end of her stay in Moscow and she had to return as Ambassador-designate. Soviets were so hostile to the last Mughal that they didn’t provide even furniture to our Embassy and Pandit had to import it from Stockholm at an exhorbitant price while Nehru brazened it out in and outside Parliament. Why was Moscow always accusing Nehru of selling Bharata to ‘Anglo-American Imperialism’ ? Answer is not very difficult to find. Stalin was entirely aware of the instrument of ‘Transfer of Power Agreement’ signed by Nehru with the last British-intruder Louis Mountbatten and the resultant ‘Dominion’ status of the country hence the allegation of Nehru being a British stooge. The self-proclaimed ‘internationalist’ and ‘visionary’ that Nehru was, attempted his best to suck up to the Soviet dictator, despised USA and Israel who could have been our great allies during that phase of our tumultuous history in spite of being repeatedly humiliated by Stalin.
In all his writings, the last Mughal Nehru exposed his Marxist obsession beyond an iota of doubt. As he had poor knowledge of Bharatiya history, economics etc., his intellectual vacuum was highly vulnerable to indoctrination with vicious ideologies hence the obsession. After returning from a visit to Moscow, Nehru was thrilled at the ‘Soviet experiment’ so much so that he praised even notorious Soviet prison Lubyanka in his ‘Soviet Russia:Some Random Sketches And Impressions’ in 1929, “It can be said without a shadow of a doubt, that to be in a Russian prison is far more preferable than to be a worker in an Indian factory.” Sitaram Goel posted one of severest indictment on Nehru in his book, “The only explanation for Pandit Nehru’s nonsensical admiration of Soviet Russia is that his mind was rendered imbecile because he refused to read anything which was not straight-forward communist propaganda. Had he cared even to glance at an array of highly objective and analytic studies of the Soviet Union such as had appeared in the West and were available in India several years before he compiled his Glimpses of World History by copiously copying from communist handouts, he would not have remained such a juvenile regarding the Soviet Union as he is even today, in the middle of 1961… Communist propaganda informed him that such a fairyland existed in Soviet Russia…he has not had the decency to disclaim even after reading Khrushchev’s verdict on Stalin’s Russia about which he has been most enthusiastic.”
Marxism profoundly appealed the last Mughal because he had an abject view of Bharata and her cultural heritage. He might have wondered, that was the only way to sustain the nation as he wrote in his An Autobiography, “…philosophy of Marxism lightened up many a dark corner of my mind. History came to have a new meaning for me. The Marxist interpretation threw a flood of light on it, and it became an unfolding drama with some order and purpose, howsoever unconscious, behind it. In spite of the appalling waste and misery of the past and the present, the future was bright with hope, though many dangers intervened. It was the essential freedom from dogma and the scientific outlook of Marxism that appealed to me.” His writings are replete with such adulatory proclamations despite their atrocities within USSR and eastern bloc countries like Poland. Nehru turned a blind eye towards anti-national crimes of Communists like calling Congress a conspiracy of capitalists, spying on freedom-fighters in 1942 thus enjoying British patronage, supporting Muslim League for Pakistan, demanding balkanization of Bharata into 17 countries, calling Svami Ramakrshna Paramahamsa a gay pervert, Svami Vivekananda a Hindu imperialist, Shri Aurvindo a ‘dirty war monger’, RN Thakur a pimp, Sardar Patel a progeny of pigs, supporting China for capturing Tibet etc. and merrily allowed them to proliferate like termites and infest every wing of Government.
Nehrus relentless ‘Tapasya’ of eulogising Marxism and Soviet ‘dreamland’ bore esculent and succulent fruits when Nikita Khruscheva took over Soviet reins after Stalin died or poisoned that we do not know. They translated Nehrus writings into Russian and awarded extra-ordinary 15% royalty, unprecedented so far to Nehru. It was exceedingly inappropriate for Nehru having accepted the award for which he was cavilled at yet he brazened it out, an art he had mastered by then.
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