Details are already available in public domain. I need not rephrase them here. Let’s come to conclusions straightaway –
MELANIN is supreme.
Dermatological pigment Melanin is all that decides their preference of people in west and nothing else. For a silly inane comment VR has been eased out but not that crazy nut Elon Musk reputed for talking weird things so often. Only because VRs skin is coloured but not of Musk even though both are naturalised Americans. And they claim not to be racists at all !!
Donald Trump is on record having regretted for albinotic Caucasians from other western countries refusing to migrate to America while coloured Asians too willing to do so.
In other words, he rued over the fact as to why Bharatiya-s and Chinese are so talented but not albinotic westerners.
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is a disease that affects/infects only we silly Hindu-s. MAGA maddies are telling even naturalised coloured immigrants that America is our own and NOT theirs. But we Hindu-fools never tell non Hindu-s that Bharata belongs to Hindu-s and NOT to non Hindu-s. The day we begin saying that, they will kneel to their knees. That’s the root-cause of our centuries long slavery and still persistent slavish mind-set. I wonder when we shall be able to surmount it if at all.
No self-esteem. In spite of heaps of humiliation and abuses, we are desperate to go to America/Canada at any cost. Yet to hear from anyone – I will love to suffer and die in my own homeland Bharata instead of migrating to west even if assured of Musk-onian wealth there. We have destroyed our self-respect.
Americans are besotted with a deep sense of Inferiority Complex when it comes to prosperity of coloured immigrants. Reasons are too obvious, need not further elaboration. This complex may turn recriminative too in future. PIOs/NRIs must now devise Plan B for shape of things to come.
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