Often Tarot card readers, Reiki healers, crystal healers, or people who are using alternative healing /therapy/ practices recommend crystal for better life and health management. Sometimes people purchase different types of crystals without knowing their true benefits.
I still remember those days when I was suffering from severe migraine. I stopped going to my office, my day to day life activities were hampered badly. All efforts to improve my health went in vain. Then someone suggested Reiki to me. I learned the first level of Reiki. After that I had been introduced with a new aspect of alternative therapy, i.e. crystals. My Reiki Guru gave me a crystal name amethyst. I used this for self-healing; I wore it on my bracelet too. It works miraculously and it helped me to cure my migraine. This introduction of me to the new crystal world gave me a new dimension of this world – the crystals.
Crystals, apart from being a beautiful masterpiece, are the tools for a natural healing which adjusts and balances the chakras (energy system) of the human body. It also removes the blockages physically, mentally and spiritually. It gives energy to cells to repair and maintain health. It is used to pre-charge an area before surgery or after surgery to reduce the trauma to the cells or energy replace the energy loss caused by that trauma. It provides calmness and balance of mind. It improves relationships, love life. It relieves from stress, anxiety, anger and sadness. It attracts luck and money. It helps in building self-confidence, courage and career. It brings abundance and prosperity. It protects from EMF(electro motive forced ) devices. It cleanses bad or negative energies and also protects from negative energy. It is used for meditation, healing and chakra balancing. It vibrates at higher level, thereby gives physical and mental health.
These are just few examples of greatness of crystals. Thus we can say that it gives physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health to its users.
Crystals play an important part in our life. It absorbs vibrations not only from us, but also from the environment, where they are placed. It absorbs negative energy from the nearby environment, thus crystals required to be cleaned from this negativities. Every crystal requires cleansing, energising and programing at regular intervals i.e. daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly depending on their use.
Cleansing: The cleansing process doesn’t signify cleaning with soap and water. A crystal is cleansed because every crystal has stored energy (it can be good or bad), so it’s necessary to cleanse. Following are the ways to cleanse the crystals:
- Salt water: it is considered as best and more thorough way to cleanse a crystal. Fill a bowl (don’t use metal) with salt and water and put crystals in it. It can left for 1 to 24 hours, sometimes duration can be 1 week. Then remove the crystal and wash it in cool running water and the saltwater should be flushed away and never re-used as it has negative and unwanted energies. There are few crystals which shouldn’t be soaked in salt water. Crystals which are porous, has metal or water content should not be soaked in saltwater. Examples are pyrite, lapis lazuli, opal, hematite, etc
- Dry salt: Fill a glass bowl with salt and place the crystals on it. Crystals can be buried in salt or put in the surface. It should be left for several hours, overnight or several days. Then the crystal should be rinsed thoroughly in cool running water. Salt should be flushed or thrown away and should never be re-used.
- Crystal Druse, Bed, Geode or Cluster: All the crystals can cleanse by placing them inside an amethyst Geode Cave for overnight or for 24-48 hours. An amethyst Druse, Cluster or bed or a clear quartz geode, bed or cluster can be used for cleansing. Clear quartz works faster than amethyst. They absorb energy from the crystal, neutralise them and then release good energy from the cluster back into the crystal so that cleansing and energising go hand in hand. Selenite and Citrine can also be used.
- Smudging: It involves burning either smudge sticks or incense sticks and holding the crystal in the smoke to cleanse the stored energies. For smudging, incense sticks that can be used are sage and sweet grass, sandalwood or cedar wood.
- Visualization: A crystal can be cleansed by visualization or thought energy. Hold a crystal, concentrate on it and visualize that a white shining light is surrounding the crystal and then filling the crystal with white light and removing the stored energy in the crystal.
Energizing: Once a crystal is cleansed, it requires energizing so that it can continue to release its own natural vibrations and energies. There are several ways to energize the crystals such as:
- Water Energizing: Put the crystal in a bowl under cool running tap water, for several minutes. Running water cleanses and energises the crystal simultaneously. Crystal which are porous and have metal content should be avoided.
- Sunshine and Moonlight: Sun and Moon transmit natural energies which energize crystals. Sun provides a stronger energy and Moon provides gentle energy. It’s better to leave the crystal in sunlight during sunrise or sunset.
- Physical Contact: A person’s own energy field can energize a crystal. A crystal can be picked up, handled or rubbed between the palms of the hand.
Programming: Before programming a crystal, cleanse the room by smudging stick or incense. For programming the crystal, sit quietly. There should be no distractions. Try to be away from electrical devise. Hold the crystal in your hand in front of you. Focus on it and then visualize that a white shining light is surrounding the crystal and then filling the crystal with white light and removing the stored energy in the crystal. Then concentrate on the thoughts that you want to program the crystal with, and transmit the thoughts and energies from your mind to your crystal directly. Be clear and distinct as different thoughts and energies will confuse and overload the crystal.
So enjoy your crystals by wearing it or placing it on your body part, home, workplace or keeping it near your bed or under pillow or as healing crystal grid or meditating with them.
Last but not the least, don’t forget to express your gratitude to your crystals, universal energy, god, guru, angels, etc…
Om Shantih Shantih Shantih…….
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