Following the arrest of Swapna Suresh and Prashanth, the accused in the controversial gold smuggling case in Kerala, a team of commandos took charge of security of NIA and Customs offices in Kerala. The move is considered as challenging to the Kerala Police who failed to arrest the accused even days after the controversy erupted.
There are several questions arising regarding the absconding of the accused from the capital city. As amidst triple lockdown due to covid-19 pandemic in the capital city, thorough checking was carried out, however the accused managed to move to Cochin and from there to Bangalore where they stayed for three days. NIA doubt ‘helping hands’ in the police force that enabled the accused to escape, reports indicate.
Meanwhile, the swift and intelligent move of NIA team has once again proven the high efficiency of the central investigation agency who managed to arrest the accused within 24 hours after the case was referred to them. The NIA coordinated with Bengaluru police, a simultaneous operation brought the accused into the custody.
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