Kerala police registered a case against a local Congress leader for mentioning that Swapna Suresh, the accused in the gold smuggling case, is the girlfriend of Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan. AICC secretary Viswanathan Perumal has been booked by the Kerala police on charges of making ‘objectionable remarks’ against the Kerala Chief Minister. Kannur town police registered a case against Perumal.
Perumal made the controversial statement while inaugurating the DCC-led march to the district police headquarters. His statement came at the start of a march to the Kannur police commissioner’s office the other day in protest of police cases being brought against top Congress officials in the state.
‘Chief Minister Pinarayi sir, how is Swapna Suresh, your best girlfriend in Kerala?’ This was the remark of the Congress leader. Vishwanatha Perumal is a leader from Tamil Nadu who was in charge of assembly elections in Kerala. Police have registered a case under IPC section 153.
The head of the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee, K Sudhakaran, was recently detained and freed on bail after being charged as the second accused in a fraud case involving a bogus antique dealer named Monson Mavunkal. The state administration has authorized a vigilance investigation into the opposition leader in relation to claims that he illegally collected foreign funding for a rehabilitation program for people who lost their houses in the 2018 floods.
Alleging that the Congress leader’s remark was defamatory of the Chief Minister and a malicious statement to incite riots, CPM activist P.K. Biju lodged a police complaint. Apart from Perumal, DCC President Martin George and Youth Congress leader Rijil Makkutty are also mentioned in Biju’s complaint.
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