Srinagar: In a rather unexpected move, the centre has deployed over 28,000 paramilitary forces in the Kashmir Valley Thursday night. Though the central government did not specify the reasons for the rapid deployment, they were deployed in troubled areas of Srinagar and elsewhere in the valley. Official sources say the troops started arriving on Thursday morning and are being inducted in various parts of the state.
The government had earlier said that 10,000 soldiers were brought in to strengthen the counter-insurgency grid in Kashmir. The decision came immediately after National Security Advisor Ajit Doval visited Kashmir valley last week. While the troop build-up has fueled speculations in Kashmir about military actions, educational institutions have been closed earlier than they were expected for summer holidays.
According to police sources, a fresh order was directed to security personnel to “work on a build-up at the district levels across the State.” Sources said 25,000 personnel, in addition to the 10,000 troops, were being inducted and split between the Jammu and Kashmir regions. The government had earlier withdrawn the security of some places of worship. This was followed by intelligence reports that foreign terrorists were targeting the officers guarding them.
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