After the infamous WhatsApp hartal triggered by a call from a Kerala-origin fugitive Islamic State recruiting agent, things are getting worse in Kerala. On Monday, a group of armed men with masks barged into the Seva Bharati district office destroyed everything that came in their way – chairs, stretchers and an ambulance. A couple of activists who were staying there could barely save their lives. A few days ago, an RSS office was also attacked in a similar way. Police sources suspect it to be the handiwork of a sleeper IS module operating in Malappuram. The members of this module have links with the Popular Front of India, sources added.
Police sources say the extremists had plotted an attack on RSS offices during the hartal day also. Although attackers had even thrown explosives at an RSS office on the hartal day, the police did not take any action. RSS leaders blame that the inaction of the police pave the way for these sorts of attacks.
Islamic extremists had staged the hartal in the guise of seeking justice for Asifa, the victim of brutal rape and murder. On that day, several temples and business establishments run by Hindus were attacked and destroyed. According to local RSS leaders, there is a conspiracy to mount a 1921-type communal carnage in the Muslim dominated Northern districts of Kerala.
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