Aries, things are changing for the good. Stars are in favorable positions. You can expect a sudden change in your profile in professional front. Acquire skill sets to manage the show. Move fast. Focus on your inner energy. A good day for a temple visit or satsang.
Taurus, you have been working hard on your professional front. You need to manage interpersonal equations at workplace. You have not been able to fully convince your boss or seniors. Continue to do what you have been doing with more energy and commitment.
Gemini, you have to always think big. On the family front, your worries will be over. Whatever be the differences with your spouse, you have been able to take the relationship forward. Take care of your health. If possible, cut down on non-vegetarian food. You will become more religious in the coming days. Do visit a temple.
Cancer, be aware that you are attracting many people to you. Don’t waste your time on people who don’t value you. You have tremendous positive energy. Engage only with people who give out positive energy. Talk to people who give space to you. You have been spending most of your time for family. Beyond family you need some personal space. Chill out with friends.
Leo, you focus on yourself – your looks and dress. You draw a lot of attention. People envy the way you carry yourself. Your health has been fabulous. Although you pretend to be confident, you suffer from inferiority complex. Have faith in you. Yes, you can.
Vrgo, take a long-term view of life. You must preserve for your future. You have a lot of dreams to fulfil. This is what you have the potential to create for yourself. Should you play your cards right, your life will start to look very different. Visit a temple or feed poor.
Libra, you deserve success and it is in your way. Consider this as a breakthrough moment in your journey. You have persevered a lot for the moment. For some of you this could mean more money, more power, more authority. Always have faith in you. Worship Hanuman today.
Scorpio, your intuitionary powers are coming to the fore. You are happy with many things happening in your life. Your career is also taking a positive turn. You have to build up your positivity and in a few days you will see a lot of change in your life.
You love someone secretly. Fill your mind with positive thoughts. Don’t let the ebb and flow of emotions get the better of you when you have so much to grateful for.
Romance is in air. Single Capricorns could meet somebody with serious potential. You will meet one interesting person today. You have many ideas on how you should lead your life. The constraints you see now are temporary.
You are on a mission. Don’t stop until your mission is accomplished. The success you deserve will come to you eventually. Come Autumn, your life will look drastically different. But for now, you’re being asked to cultivate patience.
Change is always good. It’s time to recognise the things that are not in alignment with your higher self and gently move them out of your way. The transition is likely to feel anything but easy. You are a strong personality. You know how to face the setbacks with equanimity and dignity. Enjoy the day.
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