To prevent misuse by missionaries, fix a cut-off date for Dalit Christian reservation
Before approaching to the core of the problem, I would like to quote Mahatma Ghandhi ji. “My fear is that ...
Before approaching to the core of the problem, I would like to quote Mahatma Ghandhi ji. “My fear is that ...
Those Dalit Christians reconverted (reverse conversion or ghar wapasi) to their earlier dharma/faith enjoy the maximum benefits of Kerala'sreservation policy. Most ...
It is interesting to see that those Dalits converted to Christianity three or more generations back, now attained a good ...
The Dalits who embraced Christian faith since the beginning of the 19th century onwards are still treated by the traditional ...
The question of the inclusion of Christians who converted from various Dalit jatis of Scheduled Castes in the SC Reservation ...
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