Rsihis, Maharshis and astronomy

Sanatana  scriptures viz. Puranas etc. are replete with descriptions of nakshatras, i.e., planetary bodies, their movement, eclipses, changes in weather;...

Symbolism of Shiva as Prana and Aum

Miracles of Astangayoga of Patanjali

Yoga  is cosmic union of finite with the Infinite. Swami Vivekananda  divided humanity into four orders i.e. action-oriented, emotional, philosophical and mystical. For...

India lost claim over Tibet, thanks to Nehru

Can we ever forgive Nehru?

It's really one of the world's monumental oddities. I speak/write against Jawaharlal Nehru only when someone speaks/writes in his favour....

Why Hinduism promotes planting of trees

Why Hinduism promotes planting of trees

Vasudeva Sri Krishna declared Himself to be Asvattha tree among trees in immortal, sacrosanct wisdom of Srimadbhagvadgita – Asvatthaha Sarvavriksanam...

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