Truth-Pills are invariably bitter. Really ?
Bitterness of Truth-Pills is a consequence of a plethora of vanities of Kama i.e. lust, Krodha i.e. wrath, Lobha i.e.greed, Moha i.e. delusion and Ahamkara i.e. egoism. These vanities often impel one to perform several Karma-s that do not constitute his/her Svadharma i.e. ones own Dharma. That too, in a motivated manner i.e. Sakama Karma-s. Such people are loaded with innumerable Prarabdha-s i.e. unredeemed Karma-s whose consequences are yet to visit them in right earnest. Samskara-s i.e. imprints of these Karma-s remain embedded in the domain of consciousness of the performer of Karma-s. Embedded means their consciousness is tainted, perspicuity blurred, focus of Buddhi lost and intellectualism ravaged. Any ideological input has to pass through these ‘embedded taints’ thereby, the input itself is ultimately blurred and ravaged of focus manifesting into lack of understanding of issues and questions before responding recklessly.
Then the person is very likely to misunderstand even right, honest initiatives, earnest remarks and what not. They arrogate themselves with narcissistic ideas, halo of a non-existent sanctity around themselves, wish to be treated always in a privileged manner…then they become difficult to deal with. Almost same explanation may be invoked in case of those who undergo gradual and consistent dilution in their values as age advances. From the stage of being stickler to rules and values, they tend to become flexible and compromise to a considerable extent as life goes on, often misconstrued as ‘dawn of wisdom’. In absence of asceticism and detachment towards proceeds of Karma-s rendered, stock of outstanding Samskara-s continuously increases, consistently ravaging perceptions and eroding sanctity of decisions considerably. To such people, Truth-Pills are always bitter. They constitute probably more than three-fourth of entire humanity, manifesting into widespread irrationality, thoughtlessness and what not.
However, they cannot be ignored. We have to get along with them. There comes SATYAMA VADA, PRIYAMA VADA. Such fellows cannot face truth, so must be taught truth in an amiable manner while calling spade a spade. Of course, offensive talk is completely excluded from the ambit of this discussion.
Truth-Pills are never bitter to those who are Adhyatmically advanced, possess unbiased mind, enlightened intellect and a foresight. So, bitterness of Truth-Pill is an individualised problem. It is not a crisis of the Truth-Pill itself.
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