Three US based White economists namely Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson and James A. Robinson were selected for the award having ‘explained’ differences in prosperity among nations to ignorantly confused members of the Royal Swedish Academy Of Sciences enthroned in Stockholm.
Angus Maddison of OECD Development Centre studied world economy and authored a famous book ‘The World Economy – A Millennial Perspective’ to illustrate long-term economic performance of nations, factors to explain successful economies and bottlenecks for laggards. Published in 2001 by OECD, conclusions of the study of economic history of the world for the entire Christian era from AD 1 to AD 2000 have been startling for the entire world. I shall take up the example of Bharata (British India) as a representative case to illustrate White-plunder in colonies for centuries to explain vividly as to why those countries still remain much less prosperous than what they ought to have been given their enormous potential.
Utsa Patnaik of Columbia University estimated, during AD 1765 to AD 1938 Sterling Pounds 9.2 Trillion equivalent to US $ 44.6 Trillion were siphoned off at the colonial exchange rate of US $ 4.8 per Sterling Pound compounded at 5% interest rate. As entire foreign exchange earnings were transferred straightaway to London, country was unable to import machinery and technology to modernise economy on the lines of Japan in AD 1870s. There was absolutely no rise in Per-Capita income from AD 1900 to AD 1929 in spite of second largest export earnings in the world for decades. Life-expectancy at birth in AD 1911 was mere 22 years and Per-Capita foodgrain consumption declined from 200 Kg. in AD 1900 to 137 Kg. in AD 1946. People died like flies while British-Brutes were entirely busy plundering away our earnings to England. Tax collections trebled and the massive Bengal famine in 1770 killed at least 1 crore natives out of 3 crore human population. Tax collections were used to purchase goods from peasants and British ensured, collectors and buyers were different persons approaching at different intervals so that peasants never suspected, it was their own tax collected being used for buying their produce !! So British-occupiers collected entire produce absolutely free.
Contribution of Bharatas GDP to the world GDP was highest in the year AD 1 at 34%. Position of No. 1 in the world was re-attained in years AD 1000, AD 1500 and AD 1600 too. USA and western countries contributed less than 2% during this period of Christian history. Mauryana Empire (321-185) was a great unifying Empire of all Kingdoms. Political stability and security ensured massive rise in economic activity in all disciplines of human enterprise. The Empire also imparted tremendous boost to infrastructure development. During 1500 years of post-Mauryana Empire, Bharata commanded largest economy in the world. By AD 1700, Bharata possessed one-fourth to one-third of worlds entire wealth. Unprecedented prosperity and accumulation of wealth continued till 1858. So was the status of this so-called Third-world country inhabited by browns and dark browns, ‘sub-human’ beings according to the theocratic doctrine of ‘White Mans Burden’. In AD 1600 British association with Bharata came into existence and by AD 1757, they began paying for the raw material with money plundered from our provinces. They even financed wars in Bharata and Europe with that plundered wealth. Exploitation by British-Brutes was ruthless and once a flourishing leading economy in the world was entirely emaciated to skeletons. By 1950, Europes share rose to 23% and Bharatas declined to mere 3%. Maddison authored a famous table that revealed how Bharatas share in world economy declined from 24.4% in AD 1500 to a measly 4.2% in AD 1950.
Now I arrive at the reality of continuing colonialism by proxy by stooges recruited by them. Most conspicuous example is that of comparison between tenures of Prime Ministers ManMohan Singh and Narendra Modi. Till 2014 from 1947, Bharata ranked pathetically low on all indices of prosperity albeit began steadily crawling upward 2014 onwards. Why ? Because Prime Minister Modi stopped plunder of national resources by overseas White-plunderers commanded mainly by the White House, Pentagan and 10 Downing Street. Trio of White-Laureates could not muster courage to highlight these ugly truths. Their findings that richest 20 per cent of the worlds countries are now around 30 times richer than the poorest 20 per cent only and they are unable to catch up only because plunder continues through ‘extractive institutions’ of political and economic systems that colonisers rooted there before exiting. Many of them have been struggling to pull out of the reticulum of parasitic extractive institutions albeit unsuccessfully owing to the covert support that they receive uninterruptedly from their overseas White-Masters.
An Englishman Q. Craufurd described “Hindoo” society in his “Sketches Of The Hindoos” as he observed in 1790s when British colonialism had not yet commenced their orgy of rape and plunder, “…where destructive hand of the conquerer had not fallen, Hindoos under their native sovereigns were governed on principles of the most just and benevolent policy. In those countries (local principalities), lands were highly cultivated; towns and their manufacture flourish; villages were composed of neat and commodious habitations and filled with cheerful inhabitants; and wherever the eye turned, it beheld marks of the mild protection of the Government and of ease and industry of the people.” Western countries now want free access to agriculture in Bharata and China because they cannot cultivate three crops annually and the horticulture that are harvested here. According to Maddisons book since AD 1000, world population multiplied 22 times, Per-Capita GDP 13 times and World GDP 300 times. Major beneficiaries have been North America, Western Europe, Japan and Australia. However these major beneficiaries have been poorer than Africa in AD 1000 albeit 20 times ahead of them now. Subsequently Africa lagged behind solely due to prolonged colonial plunder of African natural resources, mineral reserves and human resource through proselytization and slavery. Colonization by proxy through missionaries continues unabated. Trinity of White-Laureates have failed to explain as to why North America, Western Europe, Japan and Australia had been far behind Africa then in spite of Africa located closer to the Equator !!
Extractive-Institutions that were changed in colonised countries to benefit white colonisers continued to function in the same mode as they were governed by the same set of white colonisers either directly or by proxy through their stooges. Liberation from colonisers was essentially a chimera just as Indias independence though tom tommed as ‘independence’. It was transfer of power from white colonisers to a political party raised by them only with the sole purpose of destroying our war of liberation. Entire operation was completed so deftly that it took more than seven decades for people to understand and assimilate the dirty game perpetrated upon them. Had there been no ‘free-for-all’ digital-social-electronic media, it would have been a few more decades before the expose on a mass scale as print and electronic media was entirely dominated by leftists flourishing on a parasitic relationship with the ruling party propped by them.
American hegemony is too well known to be elaborated further. From nuclear strikes in Japan to Bretten Woods, US Dollar as reserve currency, G-7 and Five Eyes to economic sanctions on countries that do not salute them day in day out to stoking wars in countries whose governments do not fall into their vicious traps, genocides…the catalogue of their sins is quite long. They appear to be following their religious doctrine in letter and spirit that ‘everybody is born a sinner’ !! So-called Great Britain that siphoned off 45 trillion $ from just one nation Bharata (British India) alone, 70 countries in the world celebrate their Independence Day for independence from just one country alone and that is Britain. Sun set for the first time on the British Empire when sovereignty of the Chagos Islands was ceded to Mauritius as late as in 2024. British Prime Minister Keir Starmer flatly declined reparations for the centuries long plunder of colonies and also contemptuously rejected demands for apology for their heinous crimes perpetrated on humanity. This one blatant heavy-weight rejection symbolises not only apogee of the ‘White Mans Burden’ but also its roots and seeds. Institutional dominance continues unabated and hapless countries continue to be traumatised. Trio of White-Laureates didn’t care to expose that being the real cause of backwardness of so-called III-World ‘less prosperous’ countries.
Anything precious lying around anywhere in the world, must belong to them. They viciously snatched away largest diamond in the world Kohinoor from teenage Sikh King Maharaja Dileep Singh as gift for the Crown. Precisely on same lines worst ‘extractive institutions’ happen to be World Bank and IMF, notorious for imposing extractive conditions before sanction of financial Doom-packages for economies under adverse conditions. So ironical a paradox indeed after brazen plunder of their resources and emaciating their economies, they sanction financial packages with extractive pre-conditions !! By asking ‘So why don’t the elite simply replace the existing economic system?’ three White-Laureates have revealed their puerile naivete by demanding a political system to replace untrustworthy political leaders and utter lack of understanding of ever imperfect political democracies. USA have been holding elections every four years since 18th century yet the country now is languishing on the verge of balkanisation. Will they dare to explain that ?
Coming to the issue of ‘Commitment Problem’ raised by White-Laureates, when White-Masters commence acting as puppeteers for countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Sudan etc., how will decision making power in hands of populace be productive or fruitful ? Farmers agitation sponsored by the notorious White Soros and his ilk in New Delhi was solely meant to dislodge Modi Government installed with a massive popular mandate. Similarly elected Government of Shaikh Hasina was ejected out of Dhaka and a well-groomed puppet was installed. Under which ‘Commitment Problem’ the Trio of White-Laureates talked about the issue ? Were they groping in a dark room blindfolded while writing the doctrine which earned them millions of Kroners ?
Now it turns out for sure that entire doctrine of Capitalism is based on robbery and plunder of so-called III-World/developing economies under auspices of the ‘White Man’s Burden’. According to Utsa Patnaik, during AD 1780 to AD 1820, British rate of savings was exactly the same figure that was siphoned off from Bharata and West Indies i.e. 6% of British GDP !! With 70 countries colonised, quantum of plunder was so huge that it was impossible for a tiny country like Britain to digest entire booty, so they turned around to become largest capital exporter !! Indeed, tropical countries must unite now to extort better terms as so-called advanced western civilisations are critically dependent on us for their propped-up standards of living with some 70% products sold in their Malls are essentially tropical in origin. With a sense of ‘White Man’s burden’ to civilise Blacks and Browns across the world while desiring Hindu-s to remain suffused with ‘inferiority complex’ and accept it as their destiny should they ever come to know all about that eventually or to prevent them from revolting out of sudden burst of anger if ever at all, Whites have been incessantly busy on those fronts.
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