Regarded as one of the foremost Hindu spiritual gurus of modern times, Swami Chinmayanda travelled around the world to propagate the might values of Sanatana Dharma especially the Advaita Vedanta, the core of Indian Philosophy.
A profound teacher, he conquered the minds of his students where the wit and wisdom in his speeches are considered his hallmarks. Here is a clip from one of the interviews with the great masters where he was winding up his interview to a Canadian channel during a visit to Canada.
The interviewer asks him if there was anything else that he wanted to tell her while concluding the interview. Swami Chinmayananda says that he has nothing to say, but just ‘to shut up and get out’! Though the words come as a shock he adds that he didn’t want to insult the interviewer, but this is a message to the world.
“I am not insulting you. Shut up in your mind, not your mouth.” Swami Chinmayananda said. Get out of this misconception that we are the body. We are the all-pervading eternal essence, the SELF, the Consciousness! The life in us is life everywhere and this is the greatest Vedantic truth that our seers have told the world.
Discover your identity with God, the one life everywhere. And that cannot be done unless you shut up and get out! – Swami Chinmayananda concludes after a hearty laugh.
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