The phrase ‘Idea of India’ is often bandied around by ‘Khan-Market Lutyenites’ whenever anyone mentions Hindu pride even casually. The phrase gained profound prominence in post-2014 Bharata but nobody had the gumption to inquire about its date, place and time of birth so that a realistic ‘horoscope’ could be prepared. The last Mughal was immensely obsessed with the so-called ‘success’ of the Soviet model of Marx-Leninism and regarded it as panacea of all problems afflicting Bharata. Those brainwaves of Soviet communism bordering lunacy of the worst order appeared to him absolutely scientific, rational and a modern doctrine that could overturn destiny of miserable Bharata for the better. Since Nehru blamed ancient Sanatana culture responsible for centuries long travails of this nation, he discovered a mesmerizing solution to all nations problems in the Soviet model as it stipulated entire ancient heritage be destroyed first, then create enough space for the Soviet model to be implanted successfully. It is this dream, the fascination of a rogue politician that he declared the ‘Idea of India’ and precisely that was the dream for which the last Mughal has been repeatedly, uninterruptedly declared ‘a great visionary’ and ‘maker of modern India’.
It is perversion of a sinister order to claim that Nehrus secularism alone prevented Bharata from becoming a theocratic State. Bharata has always been tolerant, accommodative towards all other sects and cults whether Svadeshi or Videshi. Blemish of secularism was entirely uncalled for which was in reality, invented in west to prevent Church and clergy from interfering too much in the business of governance. As a matter of harsh reality, Hindu-s in Bharata have immensely suffered for centuries due to their being accommodative and tolerant towards invading beliefs. In the garb of so-called secularism, Hindu-s have been massively proselytised with a well-defined agenda of destroying Sanatana Dharma and snatching away the only Hindu homeland from Hindu-s. When Hindu-s began reacting to protect themselves to all such nefarious onslaughts, Abrahamic lobbies dubbed them ‘communal’ which happens to be an oxymoron. It is impossible for a Hindu to be communal or a fundamentalist. If this war of faiths continues for long, Hindu-s may well become fundamentalists to preserve and protect their Sanatana identity for which Abrahamics will have a lot to explain and blame themselves.
Perpetrators of Abrahamic onslaughts must be challenged to reply as to who authorised them to intrude into Bharata and tell us brazenly that their cults are superior to ours and they enjoy a ‘divine’ privilege to abuse and annihilate Sanatana Dharma. Sitaram Goel wrote a telling commentary on the dubious doctrine of ‘Nehruism’, “Today, I view Jawaharlal Nehru as a bloated Brown Sahib, and Nehruism as the combined embodiment of all the imperialist ideologies, Islam, Christianity, White Man’s Burden, and Communism that have flooded this country in the wake of foreign invasions. And I do not have the least doubt in my mind that if India is to live, Nehruism must die. Of course, it is already dying under the weight of its sins against the Indian people, their country, their society, their economy, their environment, and their culture. What I plead is that a conscious rejection of Nehruism in all its forms will hasten its demise, and save us from the mischief which it is bound to create further if it is allowed to linger… He was by no means a unique character nor Nehruism a unique phenomenon…weak-minded persons and such subservient thought processes have been seen in all societies that have suffered the misfortune of being conquered and subjected to alien rule for some time.”
That Nehruism was truly an unmitigated calamity for the nation, is well-established if anyone glances at state of the nation from 1947 to 1964 and beyond dispassionately. Nation languished in utter miseries, seethed in anger undergoing toturous agonies and life had been very tough for all segments of society. Most relevant and appropriate way to describe Nehruism happens to be the cry of agony bandied around by lakhs and crores across the nation, “…don’t know what sin I committed in my previous birth that I was born in this country.” Being born in Bharata became a curse in ones life and Nehru was entirely responsible for that.
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