British domination of the nation for almost 200 years had been actively facilitated by several Kings and Princes in Bharata. Several of them had no hesitation in entering into derogatory, slavish agreements with Brit-Gora brutes impelled by the only motive of protecting their royal comforts. Absolutely nothing else mattered to them.
Cricketer Prince Ranjit Singhji went out of way to welcome a visiting Viceroy to his Kingdom suffering from acute drought and famine. He burned more than a monthly revenue of his Kingdom in fireworks-display to prove his loyalty to the British Crown, loaded with tonnes of sins gathered from all over the world. He had also forced his farmers to contribute to Brit-brutes for their involvement in WW-I.
Patiala King had written a royal letter to Brit-brutes inviting them to come back and rule over the country after they had run away to UK following massive defeat in War Of Freedom-1857 wherein thousands of Gora-brutes were slaughtered and country was absolutely free of British occupation for roughly two months. He had even offered them military and financial assistance too.
Role of Scindias of Gwalior and Jind in Haryana are too, equally murky and disgusting.
It is wrong to lay entire blame of British plunder at the gates of Buckingham Palace. We have been wonderful Self-enemies since long.
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