Congress was founded in December 1885 by British imperialist Allan Octovian Hume with the help of 72 English-educated Brown Sahibs. Most of Brown Sahibs who came forward to join the party believed in the British sense of (in)justice and wanted British Crown to rule over Bharata. Retired British civil servant AO Hume, who successfully took the initiative, had convinced the then Governor-General, Viceroy of Bharata and the Secretary of State for Bharata that formation of a political party here was required to avert revolt against the Crown which would be far more dangerous than the first War Of Independence-1857 that British had witnessed. Hume was British intelligence chief responsible for slaughter of hundreds of revolutionaries, burnt alive scores of revolting farmers in Etawah from where he had to escape from their raging anger dressed like a eunuch from his office cum residence.
It may appear preposterous, but it is a fact that as late as 1905/1906, many top-ranking Congress leaders used to say and said it openly and brazenly, that if the Crown really wished to end unrest in Bharata or neutralise influence of freedom fighters, it had no other option but to accommodate “educated Indians” in the British scheme of ‘governance’. In his Budget speech in March 1906, Gopal Krishna Gokhale said: “There is but one way in which this conciliation can be secured and that is by associating these classes more and more with the Government of their own country”. And we believed all these years Gokhale was a patriotic nationalist ! In December 1905, Gokhale, political Guru of MK Gandhi and President of Benaras Session of the Indian National Congress, had inter alia, said, “For better, for worse, our destinies are now linked with those of England and Congress freely recognises that whatever advance we (read Congress leaders) seek must be within the Empire”. Talking like Dalai Lama indeed who desires Article-370 type of autonomy under Chinese regime !! Remember, it was not only part of his presidential address but the statement was delivered at a time when tempers were running high across the country in the wake of communal partition of Bengal in 1905 with the Swadeshi Movement too, in full swing in partitioned Bengal.
Not that there were no outstanding nationalists in the Congress. There were leaders such as Aurobindo Ghose, Bipin Chandra Pal and Bal Gangadhar Tilak. They wanted to impart a Bharatiya orientation to Congress but couldn’t because those who controlled it rendered them ineffective within party. Circumstances under which Netaji Bose had to quit Congress in 1939 after winning presidential election with overwhelming majority at Tripuri, are too well-known after which he had raised Forward Bloc. Chief factor in Congress was the British Crown which not only ruthlessly employed its policy of divide-and-rule to consolidate the Empire in Bharata but also indoctrinated many Congress leaders who were more than willing to play games for the sake of personal power and pelf. Then one day before independence the last Mughal Jawaharlal Nehru signed some 20 volume heavy TRANSFER OF POWER AGREEMENT-1947 with the then British Viceroy Mountbatten to perpetuate, continue with the same British system of laws and governance. Thus, he stabbed in back of the then 33 crore Bharatiya-s which continued for decades with 130 crore or so natives now.
Congress and their power-hungry, unscrupulous, immoral, anti-national, casteist and communal politicians who came out of it after 1947 continue to play the same devious games with people even today. Prominent Congress leaders like P. Chidambaram promise to restore Article 370; Shashi Tharoor sings paeans for Pakistan; Congress offer tickets to criminals and terrorists; opposed resolution of Ayodhya issue, acquisition of Rafales for IAF, staged anti-CAA riots, fuelled caste-riots through Hathras tragedy, brazenly supported anti-national NGOs, invoking every means to tarnish image of the nation etc. Historically speaking, none of reputed lawyers in Congress advocated cases in favour of freedom-fighters before British judges except Mahamana MM Malaviya, raised and nurtured an army of Jinnahs, divided the nation over lakhs of dead bodies in desperation to grab power, did not allow Army to capture POK, signed Indu-Water Treaty to dedicate 70% water to Pakistan, allowed Tibet to be captured by China, thousands of Brahmana-s were slaughtered in Pune after Gandhis assassination and Sikhs after Indira Gandhis assassination, slaughtered scores of Sadhus in front of Parliament House demanding ban on cow-slaughter, staged unrest in Panjab followed by Operation Bluestar that massacred thousands of Sikhs, invited Rohingya infiltrators from Bangladesh, allowed massacre of Bodos in Assam, Godhara carnage, promoted Naxalism and Maoism leading to large-scale killings, mutilated Constitution by forcing dubious terms like ‘Secularism’ and ‘Socialism’ so on and so forth.
Congress-DNA had always been anti-Hindu and anti-Sanatana Dharma pioneered by MK Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. The duo is solely responsible for Partition-1947 and the Hindu-holocaust that ensued. Not only they entirely continued with the same mind-set but also turned anti-national during UPA dispensation headed by the Italian Antonia Maino with a spineless and dumb Manmohan Singh as Prime Minister. For the first time, they dared to raise the bogey of ‘Saffron-terrorism’ with Mumbai attack wherein some 160 innocent important lives were sacrificed. Twice they destroyed efficiently and laboriously raised RAW network, didn’t develop NE states, allowed Bhopal gas tragedy, raised an army of wokes and leftists in every walk of life etc. INCongress always acted as enemies of the nation founded by a British-intruder, run by an Italian-mafia, funded by overseas NGOs, promoted by the western media and Chinese Communist Party and elected by infiltrators from Bangladesh and Myanmar.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a valid point when he said that if Bharata was to survive as one nation, regenerate her socio-economic and political life to attain a status in the comity of self-respecting nations, there was no alternative but for the people to liberate the country from the giant ‘termite’ that Congress happened to be. Congress is not really a party of Bharata. It is sacred duty of each and every Bharatiya to see through the ulterior game-plan of secular fundamentalist outfits and work with single-minded devotion for a Congress-Mukta Bharata. Congress is not an elixir of life. It is a toxic poison that the nation must get rid of.
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