II Vande Bharatam II
I sincerely hope, my e-communication reaches you in the best of your mental and physical health as well as well-being. Whenever you open your mouth within the country irrespective of nature of occasion, either you extend enormous entertainment to natives or provoke them into thinking how stupid the nation had been for seven decades by voting Congress to power again and again in spite of a concatenation of anti-national destructive decisions perpetrated by them. From that domain, you have glided into a different one altogether which happens to be outright anti-Hindu and anti-Bharata as well as intensely venomous when you are abroad.
With your intense sense of entitlement of power of the highest level, you have been denied that for straight ten years by the dint of popular mandate and the great statesman in power is so productive that you stand no chance of assuming power till eternity. Your malevolent desperation has made you vicious and destructive so much so that you appear to have forfeited your mental health, embarked on sermonising the nation utter nonsense, venomously anti-national. Your anti-national rants are explicitly streaked with intense anti-Hindu aversion. As you have turned desperate for power, you have ganged up with all sorts of enemies of the nation external as well internal both, to garner support and grab power. Economic doles and freebies that you offer to innocent people in your public rantings, smack of your malafide resolve to loot the nation then share that booty with people so that they vote for you again. Before every election, power-hallucinations infatuate you so much so that are you are compelled to retreat abroad to hide your severe depression and embarrassment. You have created a record of sorts by undergoing self-launching, defeat, depression then self re-launching repeatedly. You are blessed with a remarkable tenacity in this regard.
From Digvijaya Singh to Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda, you have encapsulated yourself with advisors of a strange variety. You should request Home Minister Amit Shah to instruct Intelligence Bureau to find out what they are upto with you. If they have been advising you like Arjun Singh with the sole intention to destroy your Party forever, then they certainly deserve 21-Gun salutes on a national day !! And if they are intent on balkanisation of Bharata, then they better look for some other means to earn their bread and butter. Abusing RSS/BJP/Modi/Shah etc. is precisely like spitting into the sky because patriotism is not at all your mug of beer or a plateful of biscuits shared with your pets. Centuries old Arjuna explicitly expressed well-founded misgivings about hybrid-born and bred being entirely disconnected from their roots, has so prophetically come true in your case. And the nation understands it very well as every day you prove it right multiple times much to our macabre amusement.
Your grand-mother and your father had not sacrificed their lives for the sake of this nation. Their hands had blood of thousands and they paid with their lives for the terrible sins of genocide in Delhi, Panjab and Shri Lanka. And deservedly so. Your repeated claims of their sacrifices are as realistic as claims of Arvind Kejriwal transforming Delhi into another Shanghai !! You must desist from such lofty claims whatsoever unless you are determined to paint a grotesque halloween image of yourself. I venture to select one specific instance to illustrate range and extent of your mental derangement so much exposed before the nation. By declaring in your speeches that RSS murdered MK Gandhi whom your party anointed as ‘Mahatma’ and ‘Rashtra-Pita’, you have annoyed and provoked the nation comprising of crores of pure-bred Bharatiya-s, born and brought up on the soil of this ancient and greatest nation in the world, to no limits.
Crown-Prince Gandhi, you have abused Bharatiya judiciary too because Commissions after Commissions, judicial verdicts after verdicts, it was proved beyond an iota of suspicion that RSS have not been even remotely connected with the first political assassination in post-1947 Bharata under the Premiership of the last Mughal Jawaharlal Nehru. RSS were not even in fringes of national polity during those days, so there was not even slightest possibility of manipulating Government ‘System’ that your own family established that you now often condemn. Every member of RSS was busy then, in applying balm on the grievous wounds of partition-migrants, providing food, shelter and solace to those unfortunate victims of the Partition, engineered by your great grand-father without any shame, without any regret and terribly mis-handled also. Brother-Benedict Gandhi, why did you then rake up the issue ? Are you suffering from Downs Syndrome ???
Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee was killed when Nehru was Prime Minister, responsible and accountable for his cold-blooded murder in Shrinagar prison.
Was not your grand-mother Indira Gandhi answerable and responsible for Prime Minister Shastris murder in Tashkent ?
Is not Indira Gandhi accountable for murder of RS Nagarwala and the Invesigating Officer Kashyap in a premeditated road accident on Mathura Road after defrauding State Bank of India of Rs. 60 Lakhs in 1960s ?
Is not Indira Gandhi accountable for the conspiracy to murder Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya, then Jan Sangh President ?
Is not Indira Gandhi accountable for well-planned murder of Lok Nayak JP Narayana ? Then, LN Mishra ? And scores of other political opponents ?
Who conspired to kill Rajiva Gandhi ? Why didn’t your mother Antonia Maino attend the political rally wherein Rajiva Gandhi was assassinated while she used to participate in all his rallies ?
Crown-Prince Rahul Gandhi, do you have guts to encounter these questions boldly ?
MK Gandhis assassination was a spontaneous reprisal, culmination of his intense Muslim-appeasement just like Gujarat riots after brutal Godhara pogrom of defenceless pilgrims in Sabarmati Express. MK Gandhi justified murder of Svami Shraddhananda, genocide of Hindu-s in Malabar, then Noakhali, then massive killing of Hindu-s by Razakars of Hyderabad…and he preached NON-VIOLENCE to Hindu-s with nobody to protect them at all. Have you read correct history of the nation ? In fact, you should be surprised and questioning, as to why poor, innocent, defenceless Hindu-s did not strongly react much before Martyr Pandit Godse reacted with bullets. Only if you had read the last statement loudly read out by the great Martyr Pt. Godse in court, it would have taught you some important facts about the whole episode. RSS did not react with bullets. They reacted by serving the displaced masses non-stop, day & night without caring for their own personal security, food and water when the ‘Gulabi-Chacha’ was honey-mooning with Edwina Mountbatten…can you believe it ? Brother-Benedict, can you visualise such a devotion, such a dedication to people anywhere else in the world ? Least of all in Italy !!!
All your preposterous utterances are rooted in your utter ignorance of Sanatana Dharma blended with your deep-rooted anti-Hindu hatred. Out of innumerable unique characteristics of Sanatana Dharma, also known as Hinduism in common parlance, I venture to brief you about only one which even your wise advisors like Jairam Ramesh or KC Venugopal are incapable of. This Dharma is indestructible and anyone attempting to destroy it, is destroyed himself/herself in due course. It is the ONLY Dharma on this Planet enunciated by the Supreme Absolute Himself, then revealed Himself to Arjuna and Sanjay to declare, He Himself is the Supreme Absolute. It is not a claim coming from some Abrahamic clown and you must accept that unhesitatingly lest you are mortified before all forever.
With warm regards,
Entirely and Ever Yours,
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