The Gujarat ATS on Sunday arrested Maulana (Muslim cleric) Qamar Gani Usmani in connection with the murder of Kishan Bharwad who was shot dead in Dhandhuka city by bike-borne Islamists for uploading a video on social media that proclaimed Sri Krishna as the most powerful god.
The arrest was made from the national capital. Usmani was produced before a local court which sent him on transit remand. He will also be produced before the concerned court in Gujarat. The ATS is likely to seek ten days remand for interrogation.
Kishan was murdered on January 25 and six people have been arrested in this case so far. This includes a Maulana Ayyub from Ahmedabad who helped procure the weapon used to shoot Kishan dead.
Kishan uploaded a video on social media after which he came on the radar of Islamists. It is said that Qamar Gani Usmani made a provocative speech against Kishan after which the main accused Shabbir shot dead Kishan with the help of his aide Imtiyaz.
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