The Revenue Department has reported that the police were at fault in the incident where Minister Ahmed Devarkovil hoisted the national flag upside down during the Republic Day celebrations. It is estimated that the person who untied the rope before hoisting the flag made a mistake.
The Revenue Department reported that two policemen had erred. The district police chief has also handed over the report to the officer. There will be departmental action against them.
It is the responsibility of the Revenue Department to clean the flag and the flagpole and prepare it for the day of hoisting. The Kasargod Village Officer was responsible for this. Later, the flag hoisting and hoisting were supervised by the police.
Rehearsal should be done before the lift. The dummy experiment should be carried out with a water cloth to make sure everything is perfect. Only then is final permission is given to hoist the flag. It is also the duty officer from the police to point out which rope should be pulled while hoisting the flag.
Neither the minister nor the police department officials noticed that the flag went upside down while saluting the flag.
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