What is common between Islam and Communism? The answer is that, both practice exclusivism, untouchability, violence, murder and destruction in their courses of activities. Interestingly, ‘the other’ has been branded as ‘the hell’ in Islamic religion and communist party due to the theological and ideological reasons respectively. According to Islamic faith, the other or a non-Muslim is a shirk. A shirk is one who associates someone or something with the almighty Allah (idolater) or a person who attributes an equal partner to Allah (polytheist) which, amounts to blasphemy. The idolaters and polytheists are the persons who commit blasphemy because, they practically challenge the authority of the almighty Allah. According to Islamic faith, Allah is free from name and form as, he is beyond the reach of time and space. Hence, he cannot be perceived by the sense organs of human beings or even conceived by their mind. Identifying the unperceivable God with a perceivable object of any sort, is an act of limiting the powers of God, because, by doing so, the God who is the creator is being equated to creatures. Since, creatures are the mortal manifestations which, moves within the limits of time and space and since, God is an immortal omnipotent entity then, equating creator with creatures becomes an act of limiting the unlimited powers of God.
According to Islamic faith, any act of limiting the powers of God by a mortal being is an unpardonable crime against man and God. A person who commits unpardonable crime against man and God deserves to be killed by Muslims for the sake of man and God. Killing for the sake of God, according to Islamic faith, is Jihad. Doing Jihad against those who commit blasphemy is one of the fundamental duties of a true Muslim. Therefore, killing for the sake of God is justified by the Islamic god. Moreover, to slay and to get slain in the act of Jihad has been declared as a holy deed by the Islamic God. The God in turn, it is believed that, is generous enough to provide elevated space in heaven as rewards, for those who kill the enemies of God and got killed in the act of Jihad. Hence, it is the pious duty of a true Muslim to slay the non-Muslims then and there, whenever they are seen by a Muslim to satisfy the commands of God. Hence, the Islamic religion commands the true Muslims to eliminate the non- Muslims as part of their religious duty as, the non-Muslims are the shirks.
The communists propagate that, a communist is dutybound to kill the class enemies in the class war. According to communist ideology the whole society is divided into two exclusive classes, named haves and have-nots and they believe that, the class of have-nots is the basic class. Again, they believe that the class of have-nots is determined to get victory in the decisive class war for historical reasons. The class of haves, which could establish control over the material wealth of the world, for the historical reasons, exploiting the have-nots with the help of the societal institutions like God, religion, monarchy, aristocracy, the cultural institutions etc. The communists believe that all those societal institutions are artificially created by the class of haves to keep on the exploitation of the class of have-nots. Since, the communist ideology imagines of a classless society, after the completion of class struggle then, it believes that, there would not be any space for God and religion, cultural and social institutions in communist society. The haves are the minority class and the have nots are the majority class and the contradictions between the haves and have-nots would be increased to a point of conflict in a class society. They also propagate that, a class enemy is to be killed by the have nots by fair and foul means.
A class society, according to their faith, can never be a conflict free society. They believe that, the haves and have-nots are engaged in constant war to get victory over the other and the have -nots would establish their rule by physically annihilating the class of haves in the class war. The class of haves has been constituted by the land lords, during the period of feudalism and the capitalists in an industrialized capitalist society. The class of haves would be assisted by the auxiliary institutions like
the clergy, God, other religious institutions and cultural organizations. Since, the conflict between the classes in a class society is immanent then, they cannot but engage in constant war in a class society. Whatever be the mode of the society, whether it is feudalism or capitalism, there would not be any difference in the nature of exploitation in a class society. Therefore, the only means to end conflict and war is to eradicate exploitation in society and it is possible only after the successful completion of the class war which ensures the ultimate victory of the have-nots.
Then, the primary duty of a communist in a class society is to enroll himself/herself in a communist party to dedicate oneself for the successful completion of class war to establish the dictatorship of the have-nots’ or the proletariat. The dictatorship of the proletariat is technically called socialism which, is prelude to the attainment of communism. Communism has been envisaged as a state of affair which is free from class conflicts and exploitation. The communist state of affair cannot be established without the formation of communist party. The unquestionable dictum admitted by the ideology of communism is that, nobody can be a communist without the membership in a communist party. The members of the communist party must believe that everything done for the benefit of the party is good. Hence, one need not be worried over the good and bad in the life of a member of the communist party. The duty of the communist party is to lead the members of the party to the ultimate victory of the have-nots in the class war. It has been illustrated by the theoreticians of the communist movement, all over the world, that, everything done for the benefit of communist revolution is good and anything that is not beneficial to the revolution is bad, that is, ends justify the means.
Hence, there is no question of any prick of conscience in doing murder, theft, looting, genocide, etc., if all such actions are done for the victory of the communist revolution. Therefore, every communist believes that, it is the duty of the communist revolutionary to get armed with the weapons to physically annihilate the exploiters in a class society to establish a classless society which ensures exploitation- free mode of life. If a communist dies in the act of revolution he would be known as a martyr and a communist believes that a martyr never dies because, according to their faith, a martyr lives through the brave deeds of the future revolutionaries. Since, the present society, according to communist belief is a class society, then a communist cannot but to do the class struggle and if they win the war, they would get a heavenly like world on earth. Therefore, the communists think that, it is the legitimate duty of the communists to physically annihilate the class enemies to establish ‘exploitation-free’ society which, according to their faith, is the highest form of human society. In such a society they think that the state will whether away and there will not be any distinction between the ruler and the ruled. They also believe that, if they refuse to kill the class enemies they would be killed by their enemies.
The Muslim and the shirk, in Islamic theology, are the mutually exclusive terms. So, it is impossible for Muslims to accept the peaceful co-existence of the shirk and the Muslims together in society. Moreover, logically, the shirk and the Muslim are the contradictory terms because, a shirk is a person who commits blasphemy while a Muslim is an obedient slave of God. Naturally, a Muslim cannot be a shirk and a shirk cannot be a Muslim. Since, according to Islamic faith, a shirk is one who commits blasphemy then, he should be killed then and there as part of his commitment to Islamic God. Naturally, Islam never conceives a society having the co-existence of divergent faiths, ideologies and different patterns of life. This theory has been illustrated in the concept of ‘halal’ as, revealed by the prophet, at the last leg of his life. Halal means the only one pure and perfect religion approved by God and the resultant way of life. Halal also rejects all other religions, faith and socio-cultural practices as ‘haram’.
According to Islamic faith, since Islam is the only one pure and perfect religion, prescribed by the God and revealed by prophet then, all other religious practices must be banned by those who obey the
commands of God. Hence, the belief that the Islam alone is the pure religion in the world has been subscribed and shared by the brethren of Islamic faith. The concept halal keeps the identity of Islamic brotherhood. Therefore, they believe that the God revealed the halal food habits, dress habits, modes of prayer and customs, etc., which ensure uniformity in the life patterns of the Muslims. It is this uniform Muslim-identity which functions as the basis of Muslim brotherhood. According to Islamic faith, a shirk can never be either a friend or brother to a Muslim. Hence, a shirk who lives as the next-door neighbor can never be a brother to a Muslim. But a Muslim who lives far away from his own context must be his brother, for the simple reason that, both are Muslims.
This Muslim identity is the basis of international Islamic brotherhood and the ‘Darul Islam’ or the Islamic world order. Hence, every true Muslim must believe in the process of pan-world Islamization. According to Islamic faith, every Muslim must work for the Darul Islam to lead a meaningful Islamic life in this world. They believe that, it is not possible to lead a Muslim-life in a context in which they mingle with a shirk. Then, every Muslim has to dedicate oneself to transform the non-Islamic world to a Muslim world. Naturally, according to Islamic faith, it has become the duty of the Muslims to convert every non-Muslim to Islam as part of their religious commitment which is known as Jihad or the holy war in favor of God. If, the non-Muslims refuse to embrace Islam then, the God empowers every Muslim to use force against the non-Muslim to convert him/her to Islam. It is assured that, if a Muslim slay someone or get slain in the activity of forceful conversion then, he will be rewarded by God providing him a special space in the heaven where he can enjoy maximum sensual pleasures. This is one of the reasons for the constant conflicts going on in a society where Muslims and non-Muslims co-exist.
The communists also believe that they cannot lead a normal life in a class society because, a class society is an exploitation-ridden social context. If, a communist wants to live in such a society, then he would be engaged in constant war with the exploiters. A waring society is polluted with crisis, conflict, and destruction. Since, the haves and have-nots are the mutually exclusive classes then, it is impossible to have peaceful co-existence of them together in society. According to the connotations attributed to haves and have-nots by the authors of communist philosophy, these terms are logically contradictory and cannot exist together in any context. So, theoretically and practically, the exploiters and the exploited cannot co-exist in society. Their said to be co-existence only means the prolongation of war and destruction. A communist believes that any communist by nature is the heaven of good qualities which, humans can possess and the one who opposes communism is the hell of all bad qualities. Friends and foes and good and bad cannot go together, according to communist belief. If, a communist wants to lead a meaningful social life then, he must dedicate himself to convert the class society, all over the world, into a communist society by violent means. Naturally, it is not possible for a communist to lead a nationalist life. But he should be an internationalist because his mission is to convert the whole world into a communist society. Hence, a meeting of the communist party always begins, not with a national anthem, but with the rendering of communist international song.
All individuals who oppose the formation of a communist society shall be treated as the enemies of communism. The communist party believes that, every communist revolutionary enjoys the unquestionable right to slay the enemies of communism in the act of revolution for the establishment of a classless society. Naturally, a next-door neighbor, if he opposes the formation of a classless society or refuses to join the process of revolution can never be the comrade or the fellow revolutionary of a communist. Hence, such a person cannot be the friend of a revolutionary, on the contrary, he should be treated as enemy to be killed then and there by fair or foul means. At the same time, a comrade who lives far away from his domicile should be considered his friend. According to communist faith, It is the subscription of communist ideology, which determines enmity and friendship among human
beings. As, a Muslim cannot have brotherhood with a non-Muslim, a communist also cannot keep comradery with a non-communist. In this sense both Islam and communism are determined to build closed societies which try to keep off their enemies out.
Then, there is a bunch of natural questions to be asked in this context to both Islam and communist men. The first among them is whether a closed society can maintain peace and harmony or not? Islam and communism believe that peace and harmony can be practiced only in an exclusive society of Muslims and communists respectively. They are incapable even to imagine of a pluralist society where multiplicity determines harmony and peace. Whether a closed society can ensure the practice of human rights? As, the Islamic religion ensures basic human rights only to the Muslims, it need not be elaborated the fate of the non-Muslims in Islamic society. The Islamic theocratic state, all over the world, denies basic human rights to non-Muslims as part of their religious duty. All citizens, except Muslims, in an Islamic state are being subjected to different forms of torture as a routine mode of political, civil and criminal administration. Equality, liberty and fraternity are guaranteed only to the birds of the same feather because Islam basically believes in the existence of a closed society encircled by one God, one text, one mode of action and the one and last prophet. Naturally, such a society is incapable to tolerate democracy.
So far, a communist party has never imagined of the rights of the non-communists in a state under communist rule. The existence of multiple ideologies and patterns of life is an alien element under the governance of communist party. Being a closed society, communism is incapable to enjoy the practice of democracy in its statecraft because, democracy needs freedom of speech and expression, the right to dissent with the authority and majority, the free functioning of a political opposition in political activity and administration. Communism specifically denies the role of opposition in statecraft. Hence, no communist party ever entertained any opposition party to function in a communist regime. Moreover, no communist party has not given permission to enjoy freedom of media. But still, the members of the so-called liberal left gang are eloquent on the role of freedom of expression. The left gang believes in democracy only if they remain as minority in a pluralist society. The moment they become majority, definitely, they establish the dictatorship of the communist party or the secretary of the of the party eradicating the opponents naming them as the enemies of communism. Every member of the communist party thinks that enemies of the communist party can be killed then and there.
In short, Islam and communism logically shares the same platform which denies, pluralism, justice, liberty, fraternity, free media, dissent to the authority and the majority and democratic polity. However, they falsely claim that, they are the apostles of freedom, justice and democracy. They formulate conjectures as narratives and they themselves profess as the champions of liberal society in contemporary world, concealing the fact they are the exponents of closed society.
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