Security was tightened on Friday in Coimbatore and Chennai of Tamil Nadu following the intelligence report that six terrorists have infiltrated the South Indian state via sea route. The terrorists, said to be having links with the Lashkar-e-Taiba, are suspected to have entered the country from northern Sri Lanka through Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu.
As per intelligence reports, the group include at least one of the terrorists is a Pakistani national, Ilyas Anwar and a Coimbatore-based Malayali, while the rest are Sri Lankan Tamils. 14 major road routes that lead to Coimbatore are currently under strict vigil, while police forces comprising over 2000 personnel on duty, both in regular uniform and in civil dress, have been deployed in the area.
The Police Commissioner of Coimbatore, Sumit Saran, has confirmed the news. “We got information that six terrorists have come to Tamil Nadu and they are moving towards Coimbatore,” he said, “Keeping that in view, we have put a general alert. There is no alarming situation. There is no need to worry about anything.” Sensitive areas like vital installations, airport, and railway stations are at the vigil, he added.
Sumeet Saran, Commissioner of Police, Coimbatore City: We got information that 6 terrorists have come to Tamil Nadu and they are moving towards Coimbatore. Keeping that in view, we have put a general alert. There is no alarming situation. There is no need to worry about anything.
— ANI (@ANI) August 23, 2019
Chennai, the capital city of the state, has also been alerted regarding the potential security threat. AK Vishwanathan, Police Commissioner of Chennai, said that the Chennai police are on a heightened alert to avoid any untoward incidents. Storming operations are also in progress, he said.
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