A catering service in Tumkur, Karnataka has sparked controversy by allegedly asking Hindu women employees to wear hijab. The news has come as a shock to many, with reports suggesting that employees are being selected from financially weak families and colonies where they may not have many options.
Reports indicate that there are at least 7-8 catering companies in Tumkur that are asking women to wear hijab. While the parents of the girls who work at the catering service were unaware of the situation, they made it clear that they would not have allowed their daughters to work in a place where they were being forced to wear hijab.
In Tumkur district, Karnataka a Moozlim caterer is allegedly hiring Hindu girls and is forcing them to wear Hijab
No feminists will fight for these girls because they are “ Hindus” pic.twitter.com/VNgaTw6d1F
— Sheetal Chopra 🇮🇳 (@SheetalPronamo) March 17, 2023
Hindu activists have come forward to protest against this, with many calling for an immediate end to this practice. The activists have argued that asking Hindu women to wear hijab is part of the Islamisation of the country.
As the controversy continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the authorities will respond to the situation. For now, the situation has sparked outrage and calls for action from concerned citizens and activists alike.
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