Former MSF National Vice President Fathima Tahliya has strongly criticized the decision not to allow Hijab in the student police cadet. Fatima Tahliya alleges that the government’s decision not to allow SPC cadets to wear Hijab is a violation of fundamental rights, despite the fact that there are many forces in India that allow religious dress.
The state government today clarified that hijab and full sleeves will not be allowed in SPC. The Home Ministry said in a statement that the religious attire was a setback to the state’s secular stance. The student from Kozhikode had approached the high court seeking permission to wear the hijab. The government issued the order in response to this. The order was issued by the Additional Secretary, Home ministry.
Full version of Fatima Tahliya’s Facebook post,
The government’s decision not to allow SPC cadets to wear headscarves and Hijab is a violation of fundamental rights, as there are many forces in India that allow religious dress. The government’s claim that religious clothing destroys the secular character of the military is childish. There are many Sikh soldiers in the Indian Army dressed in religious attire. The Indian Army has a regiment called the Sikh Regiment.
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