The counting of coins at Sabarimala will be temporarily stopped on Wednesday. This is because the employees are exhausted. Bhandaram Special Officer R.S. Unnikrishnan gave a report to the president and the commissioner, in which he suggested stopping the counting.
According to the report, the employees who have been counting coins continuously for 70 days are suffering from infectious diseases. Following this, the board held an emergency meeting to discuss the report.
About 600 employees were convinced that counting coins for more than two months was not correct. It was also evaluated that the increasing cases of diseases including dengue fever and dengue fever among employees would worsen the problem.
Following the discussion, it was decided to stop the counting as soon as possible. The employees will be dismissed on Wednesday evening.
About 20 crores worth of coins are left to be counted. This will count from February 5. For that, those who have not yet worked at Sabarimala during Mandala and Makaravilakku will be appointed. And the board issued an order to appoint temple Kalapeeth students as well.
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