Rahul Gandhi had very recently shocked the nation by declaring kerosene had already been sprayed throughout the nation, may burst into flames anytime.
As a matter of fact, it was not the first time kerosene was sprayed on the nation to burn the nation into ashes. Congi-kerosene was sprayed under Premiership of every Congi Prime Minister.
During 1950s, Nagaland and other NE States were burning in Congi-kerosene. Nehru had banned entry of Sadhu-s into Nagaland while entrusting those States to Gora-missionaries to ensure their ‘spiritual development’ under blazing effects of Congi-kerosene.
During 1960s, Naxalism came into existence in Naxalbari of WBengal, then the Congi-kerosene of Naxalism was allowed to be spread out all over by Charu Majumdar. Very much under Congi rule.
1960s also witnessed heavy doses of Marxist-kerosene being injected into education curriculum. Mughals and British stooges were lionised as well as deified while real patriots obliterated. That Congi-kerosene is still smouldering, incinerating the nation and we don’t know when it shall be extinguished forever.
During 1970s, Congi-kerosene of Assam agitation followed by Bodo Andolan was spread in North East. Nations precious resources were mobilised in stoking then neutralising civil disturbances caused by the Congi-kerosene.
Congi-kerosene of Emergency-1975 brought about unmitigated disasters and sufferings on lakhs of people in the country.
During 1980s, Congi-kerosene was sprayed all over Panjab, set on fire climaxing into most unfortunate Operation Bluestar. Thousands of innocent Hindu-s were slaughtered for no rhyme or reason. That Congi-kerosene even blazed the then Prime Minister with a shower of bullets.
During 1990s, Congi-kerosene was sprayed and ignited in Jammu & Kashmir. Kashmiri Hindu-s were slaughtered like goats, women brutally raped, then thrown out of their properties. For the first time in nations history, a women was fed into a saw mill alive. That was Congi-kerosene in its worst manifest.
During 2000s, Congi-kerosene of terrorism burned the nation here and there, all over. RDX, AK-47s, IEDs etc. were freely moving across the border, Mumbai attack killed 170 precious, productive and well-educated lives prematurely. Not only Army/Navy/Air Force were not permitted to retaliate by the Congi Prime Minister but also a journalist was allowed to cover movement of NSG warriors live of TV channels. Internal security was nobodys baby and National Security Doctrine a dirty word. Even a person with a modicum IQ can visualise what would have been done to such a Prime Minister in any other country.
Congi-Kerosene of riots, caste based politics, anti-nationalism, religion and language based separatism, corruption etc. have been constantly incinerating the nation. All that gifted by the Congress, more specifically by the ‘Royal’ dynasty. Nation has been constantly on war courtesy Brit-Gora AO Hume founded Congress, now headed by an Italian whose son Rahul Gandhi happens to be reminding us of another round of Congi-kerosene spray.
One may shudder to visualise what would have happened to the nation if Congis had won Lok Sabha elections in 2014 too. It was just in time that BJP led by Narendra Modi entered and nation was relieved from dangerous brinkmanship of Congi rule, a breather indeed.
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